
people must be disappointed...

Inspired by StyleyGeek's Tuesday space-filling post on search terms bringing readers by...

Here are the last 21 search terms that directed to this blog:

  1. mad scientist quotes
  2. knit blog erika knight classic military
  3. a story of something good happening when someone kept a exotic pet
  4. funny mad scientist
  5. mad scientist cake
  6. jule' malet-veale flickr
  7. knitted hockey washcloths
  8. mad science birthday show
  9. bart simpson grad student
  10. mad thumbs
  11. mac mad flickr
  12. graduate students terrible life choices
  13. jule malet-veale
  14. mad scientist quotes
  15. kelly cardigan knitting
  16. nova scotian who had a hit with testing 1-2-3
  17. texshop photographs
  18. you might be a nova scotian if
  19. mad about stitching
  20. organizing pdf papers bibtex freeware endnote
  21. funny crossed eyeglasses

Granted the oddity of this list speaks somewhat to the eclectic (ie. scattered) nature of this blog, but I can't help but think that many people must be disappointed when they get to my blog and there are no tips on giving "mad science birthday shows" or recipies for "mad scientsist cakes".

Oh, and for those of you looking for our wedding photographer: Jule Malet-Veale's website (if you're actually looking for a wedding photographer in Halifax, she was very good by the way! ... um, if perhaps a tad slow with the prints).

And if you are a knitterly type and don't care about the sciency stuff, or the grad school stuff, click knitting in the sidebar under "filing system".

If you want Bart making fun of grad students go here.

If you're looking for exotic pets, I can't help you!

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